How you doing? Cold enough for you? I'm not knocking the temperature though. Two cases of beer have just been delivered and, as a result of the cold snap, they're the perfect temperature.

The beer is called St Mungo and, as the name suggests - should you know your Scottish history - it's from Glasgow. And it's German. Sort of. It comes from the excellent WEST brewery, run by the extremely interesting Petra Wetzel. She and her father questioned the lack of decent Bavarian-style beers available in the UK and did something about it. The result, thanks to German expertise, German ingredients and the incredibly pure Scottish waters, is a light, deceptively malty, crisp, cold, lingering beer. It's a stunner.

I was lucky enough to be shown around WEST by Petra earlier this year and it's a fascinating place. First and foremost, it's an excellent bar and restaurant. Secondly, as you can see if you peer over the wall in the corner, it's a microbrewery. Until now, you've had to go there to enjoy the beers. Now... well, you've still probably got to go there, but we're trying to get the St Mungo, their first bottled beer, some coverage in the south. If anyone's interested, shout...


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